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Writer's pictureCA Kennedy

From the Author's Desk: I Swear I'm Not Dead (I just feel like I am...)

Okay, so...I've been meaning to make a blog post for about a month now. Really, I have.

It's just so much stuff has happened since my last one that I don't even really know where to begin.

I guess I'll start with a recap from my last blog post, which was almost a month ago.

In it, I stated that my cover reveal happened, and...more importantly, the Pre-Order for the Kindle Edition of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Reapers became available! Exciting news for sure. Well, for me at least. I'm sure my friends and family are probably tired of hearing about it. Ha ha.

But wait...there's more!

Another bit of exciting news floated in on May 30th. The paperback version is ALSO now available for Pre-Order! At the moment, you can Pre-Order it:


And here:

If eBooks are more your thing, you can also order those at both places, as well as on Kobo, and some other sites. Eventually, you'll also be able to find the paperback and hardcover versions for sale on website like Target and Walmart, but apparently that takes a while to happen.

So, that's been the biggest news book-wise. Now for the more personal side of things. I've debated about posting this because I'm not one who usually puts all my personal stuff out into the world. That's just not my thing. But...since it's been kind of hard to not say anything, I'll just summarize and say that I recently had surgery, and I am SO glad to finally be on the other side of it.

In a nutshell, since I know you're wondering, last September, I had a hysterectomy. As a result of that procedure, I ended up with scar tissue that blocked the ureter between my bladder and kidney. So, after seeing FOUR doctors who performed a bunch of tests with scary and expensive sounding names like MRIs and CT scans, I finally ended up with a doctor who had an idea how to fix things. It hasn't been pleasant or fun, but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm just hoping it's not a train. :-/

Anyway, I'm glad to finally be moving forward after so many months of searching for answers. One day, I'll write a post (or maybe an entire book because it's a long, long, long story) about how the first doctor who operated failed me, and how all of the eventual medical stuff that happened went on and on. Let's just say, it has not been pleasant or fun.

Signing out until next time...


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